Mercy for Humanity is an Islamic Outreach

  • By the Grace of God, Mercy for Humanity is now one of the World’s largest and fastest growing Outreach organizations with hired ambassadors working for humanity in sharing the beautiful message of Islam.
  • Mission: By the Grace of God, Mercy for Humanity is now one of the World’s largest and fastest growing Outreach organizations with hired ambassadors working for Humanity in sharing the beautiful message of Islam. Currently as it stands, it has the USA’s highest number of hired “Ambassadors” of any known organization who specialize in conveying the often-misunderstood message of our Beloved Muhammad (pbuh) in its most basic form to the public at large. Our non-profit organization is registered and recognized by the American government and focuses on clarifying and defining our faith to our non-Muslim brothers and sisters in humanity. What makes us unique is that our entire staff, including the Ambassadors (daees), is TRAINED in the field of Outreach and PAID a salary. So they can have “deen” without having to worry about “dunya”. Mercy for Humanity doesn’t have to depend on people just volunteering their valuable time and energy; we can pay them and it becomes a career. Mercy for Humanity implements a strict corporate structure from top to bottom to ensure long-term survivability. And while many of today’s Islamic organization efforts take a reactive approach by simply passing out pamphlets, referencing informational websites, and reacting to issues concerning the faith as they arise, we take a more proactive approach. We call this approach “Purposeful Outreach”. Our engagement is one of a direct nature. We discuss everything from the Oneness of God (tawheed), the message of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his merciful nature to tackling the more difficult questions and conversations, ones that many Muslims shy away from or consider embarrassing. We inform people about what makes a Muslim a Muslim and what defines us as adherents to the faith and how that supports the notion of living one’s life as a law abiding and model citizen of whatever country one resides in. If all we do is simply deliver that message in an effective manner, then we must consider our efforts a success. Thankfully, not only is the general public receptive to this beautiful message, they are thirsty for it! Over the years, hundreds of people have accepted Islam through our combined efforts and the efforts of our full-time, part-time, volunteers and associates. Mercy for Humanity focuses on sharing the correct message and embodying its tenets and teachings as instructed by our Messenger Muhammdad (pbuh) while clarifying misconceptions that have plagued the faith in recent times and tarnished the image of Islam. This is a much needed area of concentration and will continue to be at the forefront of our activities. We do this in a gentle and classy way (no ladders or loud speakers) and through various mediums including festivals, libraries, shopping malls, Metro stations, online forums, and many more. By the grace of Almighty God, we are growing very fast as an organization and now many cities wish to establish Mercy for Humanity Units to venture out and share the message of Islam with the public. The demand is very high and we are working hard to keep up with this demand by providing a supply of qualified ambassadors to handle the workload and the financial capital to employ them. Additionally Mercy for Humanity is creating a national support network to help those who recently accepted Islam stay strong and steadfast in the faith. We are following our Prophet Muhammad’s (Peace be upon him) model of sharing the message with good manners and beautiful words while always remembering: ” There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in wickedness and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is all-Hearing and all-Knowing.” Qua’ran 2:256

Our Story

By the Grace of God, Mercy for Humanity is now one of the World’s largest and fastest growing Outreach organizations with hired ambassadors working for humanity in sharing the beautiful message of Islam.

ABOUT MERCY FOR HUMANITY Over The Months, Decades, And Years, The Gap Between The Muslim And The Non Muslim Population Has Been, Unfortunately, Getting Wider And More Distant Mercy For Humanity’s Drive Is To Bridge These Gaps And Dfferences By Presenting Islam In It’s True Image. An Image That Has Been Tarnished By Not Only The Mass Media, But Some Muslims Themselves.

Милость для человечества

The importance of Ramadan
Brother Tarik Sarhan

Что такое #Рамадан ⁉️

Ссылка на YouTube:

Tariq Sarhan

May this Ramadan be successful for all of us and provide us with good health and wealth.
Ramadan Mubarak!

Mercy for Humanity is giving away free masks which can be washed and used.
By Maryam Social Association in Ukraine


Feed the homeless

Asalaam Alaikum,
We are looking for volunteers to help distribute meals in collaboration with Outreach in the Barrio. Please contact us for details if you are would like to strive in the cause of Allah by helping feed the homeless in Houston InshaAllah.


The world hijab day! Mercy for Humanity organization

Mercy for Humanity’s Ukraine chapter organized the world hijab day.
West Ukraine.
Mercy for Humanity organization


Mercy For Humanity

Dawaa’s work in Brazil – in Sao Paulo
Another Brazilian embraces Islam through Dawaa’s work


أوكرانيا.. حملة “اسأل المسلم عن حقوق المرأة” | مسلمون حول العالم

Campaign: Ask a Muslim about the woman rights.

Mercy for Humanity organization الحملة التي نُظّمت تحت شعار “اسأل المسلم عن حقوق المرأة”، جاءت متناغمة مع اليوم العالمي للمرأة، في ظل حضور 


Mercy For Humanity

Dawaa’s work in Brazil – in Sao Paulo
Another Brazilian embraces Islam through Dawaa’s work

Sarah is a young Daaiyah to Islam – Mercy Humanity organization

Asia is a young Daaiyah to Islam. She is sharing the beautiful message of Islam.

(وَلَا تَسْتَوِي الْحَسَنَةُ وَلَا السَّيِّئَةُ ۚ ادْفَعْ بِالَّتِي هِيَ أَحْسَنُ فَإِذَا الَّذِي بَيْنَكَ وَبَيْنَهُ عَدَاوَةٌ كَأَنَّهُ وَلِيٌّ حَمِيمٌ) سورة فصلت
(41:34) And not equal are the good deed and the bad. Repel [evil] by that [deed] which is better; and thereupon the one whom between you and him is enmity [will become] as though he was a devoted friend.

Mercy for Humanity organization
Ukraine Chapter

Sheikh Amr , the President of  Mercy For Humanity, was elected last March to serve on NAIF (North American Imams Federation) Board of Trustees.
It is an honor to welcome all of our esteemed Imams to our annual conference NAIF.
We hope to see you all!

November first, second and third 2019

Activists of the initiative “ Mercy for Humanity” held an all Ukrainian action: Islam – Peace
October 27, 2019
Mercy for Humanity
Ukraine Chapter

[10/27/19]   Alsalam Alykum!!
Announcement of the campaign “Islam is a religion of peace” which will be, God willing, on Sunday in seven of the largest cities of Ukraine …

The campaign “Islam is a religion of peace” is an awareness campaign in public areas in various cities of Ukraine, aimed at introducing the Ukrainian citizen to the values ​​of peace in the religion of Islam !!

Mercy for Humanity organization
The ad is on Facebook and YouTube:

It was a pleasure meeting everyone at the Islamic Center of Brushy Creek
Austin, TX
Mercy for Humanity

Ukraine in action: “Ask a Muslim a question “
Mercy for Humanity

المركز الثقافي الإسلامي ” الإسراء ” – فينيتسا ІКЦ Аль Ісра М. Вінниця

Edgar Ahatovich Devlikamov
Tariq Sarhan

Ukrainian Sister converts to Islam new MashaAlLah
Mercy for Humanity organization
Brother Tareq Sarhan

Ukrainian Brother converts to Islam new MashaAlLah
Mercy for Humanity organization
Brother Tareq Sarhan